Air Quality
Birch, Becker & Moorman has a broad base of experience with state and federal air quality permitting and compliance standards applicable to many types of regulated facilities.
Areas of Practice
• Environmental
- Air Quality
- Waste Management
- Water Quality
- Enforcement
- Environmental Assistance
• Construction
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Facilitation
Permitting – BBM provides assistance in obtaining air quality permits for electric generation facilities, concrete batch plants, semi-conductor manufacturers, rock and concrete crushers, loading operations, MSW landfills, and many other major and minor emission sources. The permits involved include permits by rule (PBR) and Standard Permits for minor sources, major New Source Review (NSR) permits, non-attainment and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits, and Title V permits, as well as various state and federal program requirements, including new source performance standards (NSPS), best achievable control technology (BACT), maximum achievable control technology (MACT), et cetera.
Nonattainment and State Implementation Plan (SIP) issues – BBM provides assistance to municipalities, counties, industry, and other parties interested in State proposed plans to re-establish compliance with federal ambient air quality standards, as well as to clients seeking to participate by pursuing alternatives to State proposed plans.
Compliance – BBM attorneys provide assistance and counsel to clients seeking to determine applicability of regulatory requirements and compliance status through self-evaluative audits. BBM attorneys have extensive experience defending clients against environmental violations alleged by TCEQ, EPA, and other regulatory agencies. BBM attorneys are also experienced with the immunity from penalties and the discovery privileges provided under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act and work with each client and its technical staff or outside environmental consultants to provide audit assistance or turn-key environmental audits as needed.
1000 Heritage Center Circle, Suite 146, Round Rock, Texas 78664 • 512.349.9300 • F: 512.349.9303